Virginia Behavioral Health Interpreting Curriculum
VIRGINIA BEHAVIORAL HEALTH INTERPRETING CURRICULUM is designed to train oral interpreters to support culturally and linguistically appropriate services in mental health, substance use and developmental disability settings.
For centuries, refugees and immigrants have brought their languages and cultures and made the United States their home. Some speak English well; others speak with limited English proficiency. Those who are proficient in English and in their native language can be trained as interpreters to help two parties who don’t speak a common language but need to speak to each other, as in the case of healthcare, to communicate meaningfully and effectively.
Includes Manual, Workbook, and Glossary booklet. Required for DBHDS training. Books will be delivered to your class or mailed if not attending in person. Please allow 7 business days for shipping. If being delivered to classroom, enter code CLASS upon checkout to waive the shipping fee.
For more information about the class, go to