Community Giving

Blue Dragon Publishing, LLC is very thankful to the Williamsburg Boat Club for the kind words and plug as they christened the Blue Dragon into its fleet. It means a lot that they appreciate me and what I have brought to the club, and that they have enough faith to put Blue Dragon on their […]

Summer Reading

Are you looking forward to summer? I do, even though I am working just as many hours as during the other seasons. Maybe it’s the extra daylight, leaving more time to sit on the back deck and get in a few reading chapters. I have a stack of books I’m still working on from last […]

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day! Why do we celebrate mothers? The best answer is, why not? Mother’s Day is not really about the gift, but the thought. The homemade gifts I have received still have a place of reverence on my countertop and kitchen table. As we grow and understand our mothers don’t really “need” anything, the […]

Cover Art

Creating cover art is a specialization in the book world. It is NOT my specialty. There are trends to track, colors to express emotion and fonts that convey meaning. In the traditional publishing world, the author may or may not have input into the cover process. As a hybrid publisher, I’m able to guide my […]

April Rebirth

Spring is a season of new beginnings and rebirth. In the Blue Dragon Publishing world, it’s also the start of book signing season and new releases. Time to plan out the year ahead and prepare the authors for events. April is especially busy for Blue Dragon. We are hosting a Girl Scout Day on April […]


Chicago Manual Style - Conjunctions This is a fun bit of trivia I wish I could go back and show my high school English teacher: according to the Chicago Manual of Style 5.206, it’s okay to begin a sentence with a conjunction. A conjunction is a joiner, typically of two sentences or thoughts—and, but, however, [...]


Swallow’s Dance by Wendy Orr My rating: 3 of 5 stars Reading was not a waste of time but I didn’t feel hooked from the beginning. It was more like something I had to finish because I started it. Even halfway through the book I was trying to identify the point of the story. The […]


Telephone Tuesday Today is Telephone Tuesday. They truly have a day for everything! How does this relate to writing? Most phones these days have cameras. Pictures can be a great inspiration: a perfect scene that is begging to be described in one of your books; a fun quote posted on a bulletin board or at […]


I enjoy reading a mix of fiction and fantasy to simply lose myself in the story. The other part of my brain craves improvement and knowledge. I recently picked up a book by Jordan Ring called Volcanic Momentum. There is something to be said for a book that pushes you to become a better you. […]


When eBooks first came out, like all things tech, the sales shot up. There was talk that the print book was going out like the vinyl record (and you see records are coming back…). With the excitement of having light-weight, portable bookcases available at a reader’s fingertips, many people jumped on the bandwagon to experiment […]


Your Writing Space Is your writing feeling dull and sluggish, following the weather trends outside? Maybe it’s time for spring cleaning. Perhaps your writing space has gotten cluttered over the winter; papers piled up, scribbled notes on scrap paper, unopened mail. Or is that just me? Take a few hours and go through those things. […]

Spring Cleaning

Your Writing Space Is your writing feeling dull and sluggish, following the weather trends outside? Maybe it’s time for spring cleaning. Perhaps your writing space has gotten cluttered over the winter; papers piled up, scribbled notes on scrap paper, unopened mail. Or is that just me? Take a few hours and go through those things. […]

It’s Cookie Season

Girl Scouts It’s cookie season. For some people that means extra pounds to work off later in the year. For others, it is a time to prepare their gracious “no thank you” speeches for when they have to walk past yet another Girl Scout cookie booth outside a store front. I was a Girl Scout […]


It’s cookie season. For some people that means extra pounds to work off later in the year. For others, it is a time to prepare their gracious “no thank you” speeches for when they have to walk past yet another Girl Scout cookie booth outside a store front. I was a Girl Scout leader for […]

Telephone Tuesday

Telephone Tuesday Today is Telephone Tuesday. They truly have a day for everything!How does this relate to writing? Most phones these days have cameras. Pictures can be a great inspiration: a perfect scene that is begging to be described in one of your books; a fun quote posted on a bulletin board or at a […]

Why Family Members Don’t Make Good Editors

Chicago Manual Style - Time I know it’s frustrating to hear that you shouldn’t proof your own work. Then, to add insult to injury, not even your school teacher father or mother can proof your work. Why? You are all too close to the story. You may try to argue that your parents are particularly [...]

Commas, Commas, and more Commas

Chicago Manual Style – Time So how do you do with commas? I think I’m pretty good most of the time. It took me a while to adjust between the military writing style using American Psychological Association and the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) used in novels.You may have heard that it’s optional to put […]

Time According to Chicago Manual of Style

Chicago Manual Style – Time Am I the only one that gets confused by 12 a.m. and 12 p.m.? Probably not, which is why the Chicago Manual Style suggests always using the terms noon and midnight to avoid misunderstandings (CMS 9.39). That will make my life much easier. The book has a lot of helpful […]

Chicago Manual of Style

Chicago Manual Style The Chicago Manual of Style is an essential guide for writers, editors, and publishers…and word geeks. I turn to this 1,000+ page reference guide often as I’m writing or editing to look up the approved way of formatting or abbreviating something. But I get lost in the interesting facts that probably only […]


Outsource “Leverage your expertise and delegate the rest.” These wise words come from Jeff Moore, president of two seafood companies. Another word for delegating these days is outsource. Kevin Kruse, author of 15 Secrets of Successful People Know about Time Management, talks about the importance of prioritizing how you spend your time. He quotes the […]


[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Slider_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Notebook In my 28 years in the Air Force, I saw many Army officers carrying notebooks. And not any notebook; it was typically a green hardback that could fit in their cargo pants pocket. I never understood the draw. Kevin Kruse, Author of 15 Secrets Successful People Know about Time Management, finally explained […]

Leave at Five Without Guilt

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Slider_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Leave at Five Without Guilt As Kevin Kruse, Author of 15 Secrets Successful People Know about Time Management, explains, to leave the office at five without guilt is more about setting your priorities than actually leaving work. There will always be more to do. This was especially true when working at the Pentagon. […]

15 Secrets…Your Most Important Thing

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Slider_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] With apologies to Kevin Kruse, author of 15 Secrets Successful People Know about Time Management, I am going to put my own spin on his most excellent book. The second thing he talked about is determining your Most Important Thing. Determine what the most important thing is that you need to get accomplished […]

Book Cover Design: Your First Impression

Nothing sells your book better than your book cover. It’s the “face” of your story. Hiring a professional cover designer is worth the money. Your cover design needs to capture the attention of the readers so they will pick it up and read the back cover. The cover should not focus on one scene in […]