Community Giving

Blue Dragon Publishing, LLC is very thankful to the Williamsburg Boat Club for the kind words and plug as they christened the Blue Dragon into its fleet. It means a lot that they appreciate me and what I have brought to the club, and that they have enough faith to put Blue Dragon on their […]

Back Story: Why is it Important?

What is a back story and why is it important? Many authors are excited to get into the nuts and bolts of the story and often skip this very important step. I would argue it’s more important sometimes than others. If you are writing a nonfiction, back story doesn’t really come into play. If you […]

Summer Reading

Are you looking forward to summer? I do, even though I am working just as many hours as during the other seasons. Maybe it’s the extra daylight, leaving more time to sit on the back deck and get in a few reading chapters. I have a stack of books I’m still working on from last […]


When eBooks first came out, like all things tech, the sales shot up. There was talk that the print book was going out like the vinyl record (and you see records are coming back…). With the excitement of having light-weight, portable bookcases available at a reader’s fingertips, many people jumped on the bandwagon to experiment […]


It’s cookie season. For some people that means extra pounds to work off later in the year. For others, it is a time to prepare their gracious “no thank you” speeches for when they have to walk past yet another Girl Scout cookie booth outside a store front. I was a Girl Scout leader for […]